Education Career Path

Finding And Owning Your Peace In The Midst Of Academic Mgowo



One thing about being a student is that life is always throwing hands hey. Tell me why I have an assignment, internship work and two exams the following week? Girl!! Kuningi nje! Like am I gonna finish this degree or is it going to finish me? Stay tuned!

So that week, I was dealing with a lot, hey. As much as I had to be disciplined with school, it was not easy. The pressure was on- I’m literally in my head all the time about how I have to graduate, how I have to make my mom and dad proud but at the same time I had to take a breather. I was legit juggling academics, being a good friend, not wanting to let my family down as it is very important for me to bring this degree home. Everything in my head was noisy and chaotic. However, I had to pull through. And this is how:

Firstly, I Had To Prioritise Myself!

So, I love plants so much. For me they are more than just décor, they are a reminder of cycle and just overall growth. They literally taught me patience; and resilience and they really brought out a nurturing nature in me. I say nature because when it comes to taking care of them, it no longer feels like I’m doing it for them, it's more for me hey. I find joy in seeing them thrive and grow. Succulents are perfect for me as they are low maintenance and do not need one to have a big place to own plants. Sana, incorporating plants in your space will make a vast difference!

I also had to find faith and stillness during that chaotic season. I was praying, meditating and commanding my days. In the morning when I woke up, I would thank my God for my life, and journal about what I’m grateful for. I don’t know if it’s funny or not but in my gratitude journal, there’s uni too because yes, as much as there’s academic mgowo, I am really fortunate to be in uni and getting this education. I do really appreciate the opportunity. Additionally, I would talk positively about myself that “I am going to get through this because I’m loved, strengthened and empowered by my God”. This was my favourite part of the day :). Positive self-talk and affirmations do really command your day and help to find calmness in the storm.

Additionally, staying in your lane, minding your own business and not being wrapped around in what others are doing is key to remaining peaceful. I’ve heard this quote before, “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: you should mind your own business so that your life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you should not be dependent on anybody”. When academic life gets tense, comparing yourself with others can mess with your head. It is important that we set boundaries with people that may make us feel like we are in competition with them because everyone’s journey is different and there is power in focusing on your own. It's okay to say “no” and choose to do your own thing when life gets overwhelming.

As your friend I’m just gonna say, life will always be stressful in a way, but how you respond to it is everything. Choose to maintain peace, one step at a time. Keep this journal handy as a reminder and a tool to revisit when things start to feel a bit overwhelming. Remember that peace is never about fixing everything around you. It is about knowing that you can handle anything because the calm is already in you. So, keep going and know you’ve had this all along!

by Boipelo Sematu - JiK’iContributor



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