Education Career Path

From Clueless To Coffee Machine Pro: Surviving My First Week At Work



Hey there! So you're navigating a new workplace too? Well, let me tell you about my first week as an intern- maybe you'll find some comfort in knowing you're not the only one feeling like a fish out of water!

I just wrapped up my first week at my new job, and wow, what a rollercoaster! You know that feeling when you walk into a room and everyone seems to be speaking a different language? That's basically been my entire week. People are throwing around terms like "deliverables" and "action items" like they're everyday words (spoiler: they are, I'm just new here!).

Here's the thing - watching everyone around me work with such confidence is both intimidating and inspiring. They all seem to know exactly where they're going, what they're doing, and how to do it. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out how to add my signature to my work email.

But can I share something? It's actually kind of thrilling too. Sure, I've made some awkward mistakes (like accidentally calling my colleague by the wrong name - twice!), but I'm learning something new literally every hour. And you know what? Most people are way nicer than you'd expect when you ask for help. Turns out they remember what it was like to be the newbie too.

The best advice I got this week? Keep a notebook handy and write everything down. And I mean everything. Trust me, your future self will thank you when you need to remember how to connect to the printer for the fifth time.

If you're feeling overwhelmed in your new role, just remember - every single person who seems to have it all figured out started exactly where you are. They probably spent their first few weeks feeling just as lost as we do. The only difference is they've had more time to figure out where the best lunch spots are.

So here's to being new, to making mistakes, and to gradually figuring things out. We might not feel like we belong just yet, but give it time. Before we know it, we'll be the ones explaining things to the next batch of newcomers!

And hey, if you've mastered the office coffee machine already, you're already winning. Some of us are still trying to figure out which button makes the regular coffee and which one makes the fancy stuff!

-Angela Kapato



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