Money Matters

Mzansi Money Moves: Let Your Rands Make Sense



No matter what your cashflow situation is, learning how to budget can help you make the most of every rand. The best way to keep track of your money is to write things down.

I REPEAT, write it down. That is everything a budget is - all the money you earn, and spend, written out so you can track it. And Jislaaik, it makes all the difference. Ever sat down after coming from the shop and thought, "Where did all my money go, I didn't even get that much!" Those small expenses that we don't think about (buying a pie or taxi fare, or R5 airtime) all add up and if we don't track it, it gets forgotten.

So These Are The Rules-

1) Keep Track of Your Spending:

Write down what you spend to see where your money goes. This helps you find areas to save.

2) Pay For Your Basics First:

Cover the most important expenses like rent and groceries before spending on wants. This helps you budget better.

3)Save Automatically:

If you can save a few extra rands, do it at the beginning of the month before you start spending on soft life things, not at the end. Once you get your cash, make a rule and put away a certain amount (whatever you can manage) into an envelope, piggy bank or savings account.

4) Look For Deals:

Keep an eye out for nca discounts on things you need. As you get your money up, these habits will serve you well. Also, there are some great FREE budgeting apps you can download when you're ready to take things to the next level.